Management of Nursing Education in 21st Century
: Interprofessional Education
The development of Nursing education to achieve learning outcomes for students to be nursing graduates of the 21st century. The graduates should have competencies and essential skills in all 3 areas of learning and innovation skills, creative life and career skills and information skills Media and Technology. (Saraketrin A, 2020)
Interprofessional Education (IPE) is an educational management. It has learners at least two professions Learning together for effective collaboration and developing health. The teaching and learning management of the health professional groups should raise to achieve more integration from the public health needs. (WHO,2010) Therefore, the most important is a medical production. They want to develop a learning method under multidisciplinary cooperation help students to understand health systems in real work situation. (Brandt B,2014) The learning of medical personnel in any field may not be sufficient for the development and adjustment of the student learning process because of the actual work after graduation. It is necessary to work in collaboration with other multidisciplinary health professionals. (Tanglakmankhong K, 2019) IPE is an important educational innovation in driving the health education system leading to the production of quality healthcare personnel in the 21st century.
Nursing education in the 21st century
The management system of nursing education in the past, Learners get knowledge from storytelling from individual experiences to do what has been done without change. (Kunaviktikul W, 2015) The 21st century is an era that has changed in many aspects, including the economy, society, media, technology, and culture affecting the way of life in society. Therefore, learning is transformed from telling and teaching alone. It is the pursuit of self-knowledge using ICT Learning from working together. They will lead to learning outcomes learner performance and skills that are necessary for learners in the 21st century of Bellanca and Brendt concepts of 21st century skills. (Bellanca J, 2010, Partnership for 21st Century Skill, 2011) as follow.
1. Basic structure or Core subjects: Mathematics, Science, Thai Language, and English language.
2. Important learning concepts for learners in the 21st century: consciousness towards the world, and basic knowledge in finance, economy, business, and entrepreneurship including basic knowledge of good citizenship, basic knowledge of health, and basic environmental knowledge.
3. Learning and Innovation skills: creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and working together including information, media, and technology skills.
4. Life and Career skills: the ability to adapt, and think to initiate social skills for getting along with others and cross-cultural learning including leadership and responsibility.
To achieve learning outcomes in 21st-century skills, a critical support system is required, including standards and assessments. Curriculum and teaching aligned with 21st-century skills coupled with academic and professional development including an environment that is conducive to learning.
In addition, there are important 21st-century learning skills that will help prepare learners to know, think, be willing to work, solve problems, and well communicate. It can be used in both life and work in 3RsX 8Cs which consists of Reading, (W)riting (writing), (A)Rithmatic (calculating skills), critical thinking and problem-solving, Creativity and Innovation, Collaboration Teamwork and Leadership, Communication Information and Media Literacy, Cross-Cultural Understanding, Computing, and ICT Literacy), Career and Learning skills. (Trilling B. & Fadel C., 2012)
These are important skills for the development of nursing students learning in order to keep up with changes in the 21st century with many changes, especially the change in the health system. Therefore, The support for nursing students to be practitioners in dynamic health situations will affect the health service system in the future. (Kaewmanee C., 2012) The creation of effective learning outcomes for students Nursing education must bring innovations used in learning management. To benefit nursing students upon graduation professional nurses are faced with increasingly complex public health problems, emerging diseases that teach traditional nursing care cannot be used to solve health problems. It is very important that educational institutions must organize learning processes to create learners. They are able to realize and understand themselves including being able to create learning correctly and creatively with the changing crisis at all times. (Prajankett O., 2014)
The trend of teaching and learning in nursing education in the 21st century focuses on the transformative education model. It has promoted the learning and competency of more students. Therefore, the design of educational management methods in the field of nursing education must have Important components. According to the approach of the learning style to change. (Panich V., 2015, Watanapa P.,2014) The curriculum should have set objectives in accordance with the desirable characteristics of health graduates. Be socially responsible, community, or involved in the health system of the country by linking basic subjects with clinical subjects, emphasizing “Teach less, Learn more” covers 21st-century skills, which may take a variety of methods, such as learning in real situations. To Encourage the use of intrinsic motivation for better learning. Learning in small groups Learning by doing Collaborative learning between students of each health profession at presents, learning between students of each health profession, called Interdisciplinary Learning (IPE), is a method used by many nursing institutions in teaching and learning because IPE is learning. Teach that is learning together between learners of each profession which will correspond to actual work behavior that reflects cooperation in work of public health problems is integrated. It is expected that nursing graduates will be able to work in a professional multidisciplinary team.
Concept of Interprofessional Education
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines multidisciplinary education as management. They have come to learn together to create effective collaboration and improve public health outcomes. As a result, each country takes it as a guideline towards practice in human resource development for that country conducted by the Sub-Committee on Multidisciplinary Education under the Strategic Steering Committee to develop education for health personnel in the 21st century. The directions for the creation of IPE in educational institutions can be organized in many forms according to the context of educational institutions both in the first year before entering the profession or provided for Professional level prior to graduation which can be both activities in elective courses required subjects or considered as extra-curricular activities. (National Health Professional Education Foundation, 2020) It can be seen that IPE teaching and learning is an innovative way of teaching and learning. The Education used to manage teaching and learning that should focus on and be developed in the nursing science curriculum to promote the learning of nursing students in the 21st century by integrating with service agencies. That is a source of practical training for nursing students. However, the teaching and learning activities combined with the professions can also develop interdisciplinarily. The Lecturers should learn together and correspond to the actual work characteristics as well. The literature review, It was found that multidisciplinary learning was important to respond to the patient's health needs and service resulting in good health outcomes such as patient care quality with diabetes Mellitus satisfied service teamwork, reduced errors in the clinic, reduced conflicts, and reduced turnover rate of the health system. (National Health Professional Education Foundation, 2020) In addition, many studies have found that interdisciplinary learning has a positive effect on clients/patients. Provider/Student and educational institutions as follows:
Benefits to Service users/patients
1. Improved healthcare Processes can prepare health personnel to be ready to work together in a multi-disciplinary way. It will strengthen the health service system.
2. Improved Patient Outcomes from the knowledge-specific skills of each profession to take care of patients together. It makes patients a healthy, good quality of life, and balance in terms of physical, mental, social, and intellectual aspects.
Benefits for health service providers/students
1. Enhanced personal and professional confidence from learning in real situations.
IPE activities will help confidence in the knowledge and experiences.
2. Increase the efficiency of interprofessional communication and understand the role of teamwork. Good communication can reduce mistakes in interprofessional communication. (National Health Professional Education Foundation, 2020)
3. Promote ethics Respect and fairness, IPE activities promote health service providers/students to understand their professional roles and realize the value of self-professionalism.
Benefits to educational institutions
1. Innovation learning/teaching develops creativity in teaching, innovation, and research through interprofessional cooperation of the agency.
2. Increased Community Networking for educational institutions which provides teaching and learning to build a strong public health system in the community. The network will encourage continuous good coordination.
3. Develop working networks/cooperation between departments to create cooperation in working and faculties to work together. (National Health Professional Education Foundation, 2020)
It can be seen that interdisciplinary learning benefits many target groups. Especially the group of learners is ready to learn in a multidisciplinary way. Students will develop teamwork and responsibility in their profession. Multidisciplinary learning will promote the knowledgeability of the learners and more benefits for patients.
Steps for implementing and learning outcomes of IPE
For nursing students, Collaborative learning with a multidisciplinary approach is an opportunity and challenge. It is also important to be able to apply the benefits of multidisciplinary learning activities for nursing students to connect their knowledge in the same direction together. The other health students have joined the education management team interdisciplinary course. This is an interdisciplinary course in the medical education curriculum, clinical level cooperation of various educational institutions. That brings students in each professional field to practice at hospitals including medical students nursing students pharmacists students nutrition students, etc. (Kitreerawutiwong K, 2020)
The IPE activities designed by interdisciplinary instructors, start with the instructors determining the learning outcomes. Then, select learners from at least 2 faculties/disciplines to prepare places, and teaching methods in accordance with learning outcomes. They defined it as a step Implementation of IPE activities that deliver learning outcomes to learners in each of the 6 key outcomes of the World Health Organization. (World Health Organization, 2020)
The process of implementing activities arranged for the interdisciplinary learners. It has brought synthesized step by step so that it can be put into practice effectively. The author presents a procedure Implementation of the activities of the IPE and the learning outcomes at each stage gained from the experience in multidisciplinary as follows:
Step 1 Understanding the situation
The situation examples are case-based learning or problem-based learning. The assignments were given in the real situation. Therefore, students must understand the situation before planning to take care of patients. In this step, the multidisciplinary instructor will organize the learning process as a facilitator for students at this stage. The Learners will have learning outcomes that are good learning and can reflect on each other. (Learning and Critical reflection) as well as having a good relationship with the referring team to transfer and exchange knowledge with other professionals.
Step 2 Set Goals and Planning
The students must set goals for the patient from the assigned case study and care plan for the patient together. The instructor must be the one who organizes the learning process for students similar to step 1. This step sees critical thinking skills for working as teamwork in order to find ways to manage problems and take care of patients.
Step 3 Sharing (exchange of learning together)
Interdisciplinary learners exchange learning together about patient history including physical. This step is considered a step for all professionals to understand patient information in the same direction which plays a role to encourage communication within the group and resolving group conflicts modified from the problem to become a group learning process. The result of learning at this stage is good communication skills. (Ploylearmsang C, 2020) There is communication within the team understanding and exchange, learning together leads to decision-making and practice correctly.
Step 4 Integration and Roles responsibility
After step 3, The exchange of knowledge each interdisciplinary student must know their professional roles and responsibilities of themselves clearly, accurately, and appropriately. At this stage, lecturers should create positive experiences for students and encourage them to play their roles under the knowledge and ability of each profession. However, students will know how to work with other professions respect and recognize the value of each profession (Roles and Responsibilities), be ethical, understand the perspectives of other professionals and themselves, and value everyone equally (Ethical practice).
Step 5 Implementation (Practice in caring for real patients)
The instructor must interact, learn, and work together as a team. Learners must bring their own professional roles to learn together with other professions. (Kitreerawutiwong K, 2020) The Learners use knowledge in their own roles and manage the health service of patients according to the care plan. The instructor must facilitate learning build understanding and cooperation enabling learners to use group resources synthesize Learn in real situations. This step will see the dynamics of working as a team. (Teamwork) being a good leader and follower, knowing the obstacles of the team, and finding ways to manage problems. It also creates a good relationship with patients (A relationship recognizing the patient) and involvement of relatives or communities.
Step 6 Evaluation
It can assess learners both before and after learning which teaching activities and learning outcomes must be consistent. (Kitreerawutiwong K, 2020) In this step, the evaluation of learning management can be implemented in many ways such as observation, exams, worksheets, and case study writing, presentation, etc. The information of the evaluation and feedback can be improved and develop teaching methods the next time.
The learning outcomes of interprofessional education to learners (Conceptual diagram of the Interprofessional Education Process and Learning outcomes) derived from the synthesis of work experience as shown in the figure.
Conceptual diagram of the Interprofessional Education Process
and Learning outcomes
The management of nursing education focuses on learning using collaborative
learning between students of each profession in real work, it is called interprofessional learning (IPE). IPE is an innovation in nursing education to encourage students to think processes. A critical analysis by reflection process brings the existing experience used to solve problems in new situations that arise appropriately. These can keep pace with changes as well as be able to communicate with multidisciplinary patients and relatives and live.
Interprofessional Education is an innovation in nursing education to expect learning outcomes nursing students have skills, knowledge, and abilities. The experience in learning together between interdisciplinary professions with the process of operating the IPE teaching and learning activities to be effective 6 steps as follows: Step 1 Understanding the situation of the patient to provide care together, Step 2 Set Goals and planning set goals and plan for patient care together, Step 3 Sharing Exchange and learn together to gain an understanding of the patient and care patients going in the same direction, Step 4 Integration and Roles responsibility Integrate learning together, know their professional roles clearly, accurately and appropriately. Step 5 is the Implementation practice of caring for real patients together and step 6 is Evaluation, an evaluation that measures the results learning of activities that can be defined in their entirety. The goal is to promote learning outcomes for students in 6 areas, consisting of working together as a team, Roles and Responsibilities, Communication, Learning and Reflection skills good relationships with patients/service recipients and ethical aspects understanding the perspectives of other professionals and oneself give equal importance to everyone which is consistent with important 21stcentury skills that are necessary for nursing students in this era.
Therefore, the development and modification of the learning process of nursing students by means of interdisciplinary cooperation result in learning outcomes for the healthcare goals of patients from personnel health through effective multi-disciplinary collaboration. In this regard, what is expected to happen in the future is the form of interdisciplinary learning activities. The curriculum of nursing education will bring benefits and learning outcomes to nursing students in the future.
Suggestions for Implementation
1. Utilize the policy: supporting information on outcomes and benefits of
teaching and Interdisciplinary learning to drive educational strategic plans for health personnel in the 21st century.
2. Utilize the administration: nursing education institutions can be considered for learning and teaching management which can be organized as an activity in the nursing practice courses. They are already taught as compulsory courses or elective courses in the nursing science curriculum and extra-curricular activities for nursing students to achieve results learning of interdisciplinary learning.
3. Utilize the practical: It can be applied as a guideline for the development or improvement of practice for effective multidisciplinary patient care and more effective as well. To Research interdisciplinary teaching and learning Including expecting that when nursing students graduate and practice nursing will be able to work together as a team with a multidisciplinary professional.
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Pui ...Jan 7,2023
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